with balled up fists... Monday, January 26, 2009

Tonight, i've decided to deliver a FAQ on my band, Take Steady Aim, so you all know how we started an stuff, and stupid facts no one gives a fuck about, then finally I'll give you our latest updates. Enjoy.

Where Did You Come Up With 'Take Steady Aim'?
Gene was listening to some music, and we turned on Set Your Goal's album, Reset. His song choice was Goonies Never Say Die, and our name is in the very first line.

Where Are You Guys From?
Cleveland, Ohio!

Who Are Your Biggest Influences?
When we had 6 people in the band, it varied a lot, but at that time it was mostly Four Year Strong and Set Your Goals. Now that Gene and I are in total control of the influences and sound, its easy to expand that to A Day To Remember, The Movielife, Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, My Aim is True, Timeless!, New Found Glory, and the Wonder Years.

So, If It's Only You Two, Who Does What?
Live, we play acoustic currently. two guitars. our awful voices. When we record, I'll be doing guitars, bass, and some additional fun things. Gene will also be doing guitars and fun things, along side drums.

What Are Your Goals?
To record in May, get an idea of an album, build a fuckin' band, and going out and playing shows and shows and shows.

Why Did Your Old Band Leave You?
They suck at their instruments. They're awesome kids, who thought we weren't going anywhere. They're actually phenomenal musicians; Wes perfects piano, Nick is an unparalleled drummer, Quinn is awesome on guitar, and Pete is an amazing bassist. Mike talked crap, so we dont care about him :] We wish the best for all of them as we continue to try to keep this band going, and hopefully someday, maybe they'll feel comfortable to join back in.

What Else Do You Kids Do?
I play bass in Exit Cleveland, and I'm loving being able to play with them. Joey, Peter, and Justin are awesome kids and I'm having the time of my life. I also attend Lakeland Community College. Gene is currently attending Capital University in Columbus, and he was founder of Thee Proteens. who are amazing.

We've written more tunes. Our Musical Library now consists of about 7 songs, 2 covers. I have an idea for an EP. this is it:

1. Hey Greg, Do You Like To Party?
2. Dammit Brett, Do You Ever NOT Shred?!
3. Don't Say I Quit (Tentative Title)
4. Lucky [Cover] (Original by LIttle League)