lets pray for the sun, lets pray Wednesday, January 21, 2009

lets pray for the eye of the storm
to warm us back up, catch our breath and prepare
for the next fucking challenge, we know its too near.

-Save Our Ship, Broadway Calls

Today, me and gene discussed our musical future. tomorrow, Ill be recording "Greg" and "Brett" all acoustic, send them to Gene and Adam, and hopefully see what take steady aim will be doing soon. positive, positive, positive. i also asked Quinn to possibly do second guitar work for the band for our live performances once we finally get back to that.

Also, im stoked, as tomorrow I'll be hanging out with Kali and Deanna, whom both I havent really spent time with or seen in awhile. Also, I think I'll be applying at Sam Ash and Guitar Center for preferred player's cards, so I can get my Bass and a new acoustic.

Broadway Calls
"Call The Medic EP"

I don't even need to explain this band. It's just an essential download. NOW.